Featured Article:
An Easter Morning Tradition in Pomerania - Bringing Home the Osterwasser
A religious tradition but also a social event in the life of Pomeranian teenagers.

Featured Article:
Alan Moll Traces his Huguenot Family's
Journey to Plöwen, Pomerania
A quest to discover how a French religious
refugee family came to live on German soil.
Volume 31 Issue 1 Spring 2008
- An Easter Morning Tradition in Pomerania - Bringing Home the Osterwasser.
- Pomerania Recovers After the Thirty Years War.
- An Overview of Lassehne, Kreis Köslin.
- The Thirty Years War Inspired a Hymn - Nun Danket Alle Gott.
- Education in Pomerania - Some History and Some Memories.
Volume 31 Issue 2 Summer 2008
- Alan Moll Traces his Huguenot Family's
Journey to Plöwen, Pomerania.
- Barnimskunow, Kreis Prytz - Martin Skubinna Researches his Village in Pyritz.
- The Cloisters in Pomerania Brought Culture and Progess.
- History of Pomerania - Frederick II Opens Lands to Immigrants.
- Kartenmeister.com - What it's all about and how to get the most out of it.

Featured Article:
A Day in Castle Garden
The second of two articles describing our ancestors' experiences when landing at Castle Garden.

Featured Article:
Who Were the Pomeranians.
What DNA tells us about pre historic migrations in Northern Europe.
Volume 31 Issue 3 Fall 2008
- A Day in Castle Garden.
- Tales from Pomerania - Friz Schlagenteufel.
- The Last Spring in Gottberg - A Story of Leaving Home.
- After the Thirty Years' War Huguenots Contributee to Pomerania's Restoration.
- Founder of Immigrant Library Dies in July - Elisabeth Ann Swinson Sharp 1929 - 2008.
Volume 31 Issue 4 Winter 2008
- Who Were the Pomeranians?
- Pomeranian Goose - more than a recipe.
- Who Brings the Christmas Presents?
- Village of Wusterbarth.
- Do You Know this Place?
- Das Bücherbord - Villages of Kreis Cmmin and Kreis Regenwalde.