Featured Article:
Researching at the State Archive In Szczecin (Stettin)
Archival research in Poland can be a rewarding experience if you are well prepared.

Featured Article:
What ws it like in the good old days in Pomerania?
"An article quoting die Pyritzer Kreisblatt in 1853 tells us
something about life in Pomerania 150 Years ago.".
Volume 27 Issue 1 Spring 2004
- Researching at the State Archive In Szczecin (Stettin)
- Pommern Wegweiser durch ein unvergessenes Land
(Some additional information
about Kreis Randow)
- My Experience in Researching Kreis Randow
- Pomeranians Flee their Homes - 1945
Stories from Klein Nossin, Kreis Stolp
- Stettin (Information from Pommern Wegweiser durch ein unvergessenes Land)
Volume 27 Issue 2 Summer 2004
- What ws it like in the good old days in Pomerania?
- Die Weizackertracht of Pyritz -- the folk costume that was famous in Pyritz
- My Research of the Kollin Village Estate -- and the Order of St John
- Where can I start my research for Kreis Pyritz
- Die Brauttruhe der Anna Regina Hohn (The story of Anna Regina Hohn's Wedding Chest
begins in Kreis Pyritz in 1863
- Bishop Otto von Bamburg Brings Christianity to Pomerania
- The Business of Buying and Selling in Naulin, Kreis Pyritz (Before World War II)
- The Legends of Storks are a part of Pomeranian History
- Searching for early records in Vorpommern? These Resourses May Help
- A View of Village Life in Goss Schönfeld, Kreis Pyritz

Featured Article:
Using Meyers Orts--Und Verkehrs-Lexikon
"Published in 1912, it lists over 210,000 places(in the German Empire, 1871-1919)".

Featured Article:
Myron Gruenwald: Founder of Die Pommerschen Leute
"After several years of putting together his genealogy,
Myron became consumed by and insatiable curiosity abut the Pomeranian people".
Volume 27 Issue 3 Fall 2004
- Using Meyers Orts--Und Verkehrs-Lexikon (A tutorial)
- Jurisdictions of the German Empire of 1871
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius
- Pomeranians Who Settled in Michigan!!
Volume 27 Issue 4 Winter 2004
- Myron Gruenwald: Founder of Die Pommerschen Leute
- DNA Y--Chromosome Testing or Who Is My Family?
- Scharfrichter/Abdecker in Pyritz (Executioner/Knacker in Pyritz)
- Lauenburg Land Maps
- Stolp Research Records
- Christmas Decoration Customs
- Researching Cammin/Naugard? The following may be helpful: