Featured Article:
A Day In Castle Garden
What was it like for our ancestors to enter the United States when they
arrived in New York harbor?

Featured Article:
It's Our 25th Anniversary
Myron Gruenwald began to write about Pomerania in 1982.
Volume 30 Issue 1 Spring 2007
- A Day In Castle Garden
- Herman Schlueter wrote a Gartenarbeitbuch as a Groundskeeper/
Gardener in Ornshagen 1864.
- In Pommern, Plattdeutsche Verschwindet (Low German Disappears)
- The Future of Plattdeutsch? / It Rises Again!
- The Political and Religious Scenes in Natelfitz, Kreis Regenwalde
during the 1930's and 1940's.
- The Guilds - Their Role In The Village Of Labes
- Need To Strengthen Your Pomeranian Research?
- Pomeranian Genealogy, Culture and History by the Pomeranian Group of Minnesota and
- a Summary of the Nine Books About Pomerania Written By Myron Gruenwald
Volume 30 Issue 2 Summer 2007
- It's Our 25th Anniversary
- Recollections of My Dad - Gayle Gruenwald O'Connell Remembers
Myron Gruenwald.
- My First Question to Myron was: Pommern - Where is it? What is it?
- The Influence of the Guilds in Labes, Kreis Regenwalde.
- The Building and Re-building of the Palace and Churches in Stettin.
- Myron Gruenwald: A Man to be Remembered.
- Searching in Germany? Try the Deutsche Telefon Buch.>
- What Were Some of the Notable Pomeranian Contributions to Life in USA.
- Memories of an 80 Year Old.
- In Memory of Myron Gruenwald by Merlin Horn.

Featured Article:
Martin Skubinna Shares Some Reflections on Pomeranian Research
"Someone once said that every child should know from whence he comes."

Featured Article:
Immigrants Trade
In Their Currency At Castle_Garden
Originally published in the March 1872 issue of Harper's New World
Volume 30 Issue 3 Fall 2007
- Martin Skubinna Shares Some Reflections on Pomeranian Research
- Pomeranian Descendants Continue to Preserve Their Heritage through
Kreis Organizations, Research and Fellowship.
- Myron Gruenwald Inspired Many People to Keep the Spirit of Pomerania
- New Documents are now in State Slupsk/Stolp Archive.
- How DPL has Grown in Assisting Pommern Researchers.
- Pomeranians also used Stettin to Board Ships for New York.
- Expansion of Business and Culture in Stettin.
Volume 30 Issue 4 Winter 2007
- Stettin Grows as a Seaport and Industrial Area in the 19th Century.
- Prominent People Associated with Stettin.
- The Time of the Thirty Years War.
- Immigrants Trade in their Currency at Castle Garden.
- Memories of the Horses and the Bee Hives in Repenow's Gravel Pit.
- Pomeranian Descendants Continue to Preserve Their Heritage through
Kreis Organizations, Research and Fellowship. (cont.)