Featured Article:
A Journey Home Again - A 700 Year Celebration in Nörenberg
"It was a journey down memory lane but unlike tourists, who come to this
region to find out about their ancestors, there was nothing left that brought
back the history, the memories, and the traditions of the land that was once

Featured Article:
The Three Rings Of Pansin ... Die Drei Ringe zu Panzin
"In the time of our parents and grandparents, children at Stargard
carried a schoolbook called Heimatkunde von Pommern ...
On page 90 begins the story of Die Drei Ringe zu Pansin ..."
Volume 24 Issue 1 Spring 2001
- A Journey Home Again - A 700 Year Celebration in Nörenberg
- The Daily Life of Our Ancestors in Gross Schönfeld - A Village in Kreis Pyritz
- Pommernkontake - A Central Website for Pommern Researchers By Gunthard Stübs
- Easter in Pomerania
- Funeral Customes in Pomerania Combined Mourning and Celerating
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers By John Movius
Volume 24 Issue 2 Summer 2001
- The Three Rings Of Pansin ... Die Drei Ringe zu Panzin
- Pomeranian Families are Listed in the Family History Project of Emmanuel
Lutheran Church, Grafton, Iowa
- A 330 Year Old Bible Travels from Kreis Cammin to Kansas
- "Origins of My Family in Hinterpommern" - The Be(h)lings: A Case Study
- Der Sunder von Gross Sabow (auf Deutch - English version in the next issue)
- Marriage Contract of Frederick W. Schultz and Rosine Wilke
- Pomeranian Wedding Customs
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius

Featured Article:
Searching the EZA in Berlin: Church Records in the Evangelical Central Archive
"The Evangelical Central Archive in Berlin is the central repository for parish registers from
parishes of the Protestant Church in the former Eastern church provinces ... "

Featured Article:
Greifswald's Church Book Archive
"When we think of Greifs- wald as a source of church books for Pomerania, we
usually think of the large regional archive, the Landesarchive Greif- swald.
But we shouldn't overlook the small church archive, the Landes- kirchliches Archive.
Volume 24 Issue 3 Fall 2001
- Searching the EZA in Berlin: Church Records in the Evangelical Central Archive
- Evangelical Central Archive in Berlin (cont.)
- The Sinner of Gross Sabow
- It's not an 'Accordeon' - It's Really a Squeeze Box!
- The Pomeranians Who Emigrated to South Africa: How They Kept Traditions Alive
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius
Volume 24 Issue 4 Winter 2001
- Greifswald's Church Book Archive
- "Retracing My Ancestors' Journey"
- The Pomeranian Church Books - Help on Finding and Using Them
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius