The Winter issue, 2015 of Die Pommerschen Leute was mailed in January. Each issue of DPL includes Die Vorfahren where those of Pomeranian descent can list their heritage and search for others who have similar surnames or locations.
The Pomeranian Special Interest Group will continue to combine its meetings with those of the Immigrant Geneological Society in 2016. January 10, 2016 - Paul R. Lipinski, BS, a researcher for over thirty years, has traced most of his ancestral lines to the 1700s. He is a member of the Polish Genealogical Society of California (PGS-CA), serving as President and Vice-president. He edits the quarterly publication, the Bulletin. He has written articles for several publications, has organized and chaired conferences and is consultant at the Los Angeles Regional Family History Center where he teaches and assists with research. April 10, 2016 - John P. Schmal is an historian, genealogist, and lecturer with B.A. degrees in History (Loyola-Marymount University) and Geography (St. Cloud State University. He is a member of the Immigrant Genealogical Society, the Southern California Genealogical Society, the Genealogical Society of Hispanic America and a board member of the Society of Hispanic Historical Ancestral Research (SHHAR). He is a descendant of German-American settlers in New York, Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska. July 10, 2016 - Jean Wilcox Hibbin is national speaker on family history and folklore. She is currently the Director of the Corona (CA) Family History Center, 1st VP of the Corona Genealogical Society and Past President of the Southern California Chapter of Association of Professional Genealogy (APG), APG Board Member, Vice President of the Genealogical Speakers Guild, West Representative of the International 'Society of Family History Writers & Editors', and lead researcher for Genealogy Roadshow. October 9, 2016 - Rose Falkenhagen has written a true story based on her mother-in-law's experiences after WWII as her family escaped Pomerania for western Germany. Rose also traveled to Germany to interview a family friend who escaped by a differnt route but met up with her later in west Germany. Meetings are held at 2:00 PM in the Immigrant Genealogical Society library, 1310-B West Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, California.
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