Featured Article:
The First Issue Published By Ted Fettkenheuer After Myron's Death
In this issue Ted laid out his plans for DPL including changes to the
format based on suggestions and concerns of subscribers that he found in
Myron's papers.

Featured Article:
Announcement of the Myron Grunwald Memorial Fund
Set up to update the aging FEEFHS computer which, among many other things, posted
a internet copy of the DV surname index created and maintained by Jerry Dalum.
Volume 22 Issue 1 Spring 1999
- The First Issue Published By Ted Fettkenheuer After Myron's Death
- Myron Saids (A regular column of past subjects Myron had written about.)
- German Cowboys
- Member's News
Volume 22 Issue 2 Summer 1999
- Announcement of the Myron Grunwald Memorial Fund
- The 77,000 Project (to bring the number of names in DV from about 123,000
to 200,000 by 2002)
- Raddatz KR Neustettin (Research on records in the Family History Center)
- Catherine Revisited (Corrections sent in by subscriber Jerry Frank
- Member News
- Request for subscribers to submit aticles and volunteer support
- "Fruehlingboten" ("Spring Messengers") - A poem submitted by Ron Schultz
written by his grandmother

Featured Article:
12,000 Pomeranians
Call for volunteers to create an on-line finding aid of the Landwirtschaftliches
Adreßbuch der Provinz Pommern (1 October 1983) to post on the FEEFHS website.

Featured Article:
Fairwell From Ted Fettkenheuer
Due to continuing health problems, Ted had to resign as publisher of DPL. In
addition to saying goodbye, he introduced the new publishers - The Special
Interest Group (PSIG) of the Immigrant Genealogical Society (IGS) located in
Burbank, CA.
Volume 22 Issue 3 1999
- 12,000 Pomeranians
- Immigrants From The Congregation At Liepen In Vorpommern
- Member News
Volume 22 Issue 4 1999
- Fairwell From Ted Fettkenheuer
- The Pomeranian Special Interest Group (Introduction and Plans)
- Some German Words Used In Church And Civil Records.
- The Hermelsdorf-Porath Story
- Evangelical Lutheran Churches In Western Prussia
- Sedina - Archiv
- Emilie's Journey To America