Featured Article:
Kreis Schlawe--its Culture, Economy and Genealogy
The second in a two part series about Kreis Schlawe

Featured Article:
Kreis Rummelsburg - An Overview of Geography, Economy and Genealogy
A translation of a 1912 article, Heimatkunde des Kreises Rummelsburg in Pommern
Volume 26 Issue 1 Spring 2003
- Kreis Schlawe--its Culture, Economy and Genealogy
- Pommernkontakte - A Modern Marketplace - The Contact Database for Genealogy in Pomerania
- Impressions of Pomeranian Old Lutherans - A New Translation adds insight
- A Tribute to Queen Louise
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius
Volume 26 Issue 2 Summer 2003
- Kreis Rummelsburg - An Overview of Geography, Economy and Genealogy
- A Visit to Rummelsburg was valuable, but we're still looking for Ancestors!
- Andrea Weber writes from Germany about her research in Kreis Rummelsburg
- The Berlin Secret Central Archive - Help for Pomeranian Research
- The Amber Room is REconstructed in St Petersburg
- Here are Some Books about Pomerania for Your Summer Reading
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius

Featured Article:
Stories from Klein Nossin, Kreis Stolp
Translated selections from the book, Klein Nossin-Flucht und Vertreibung, Erinnerung
( Klein Nossin: Flight and Expulsion, Recollections)

Featured Article:
Finding Genealogy, Culture and History in Usedom - Vorpommern
Eldon L. Kunth reports his experiences during a genealogy motivated trip to Usedom
Volume 26 Issue 3 Fall 2003
- Stories from Klein Nossin, Kreis Stolp
- Memories continue after family research Unites Pomeranians in Germany and United States
- Some Books about the Expulsion from Pomerania
- Kreis Stolp (Map and important dates)
- Stolp Researchers enjoy a Gathering in Hannover
- "I found help for Stolp Research"
- Books and other sources for Research in Kreis Stolp
- Would you like to know more about Pomerania? These books my be just for you...
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius
Volume 26 Issue 4 Winter 2003
- Finding Genealogy, Culture and History in Usedom - Vorpommern
- You're invitd to a new group of Pomeranian Descendents in Illinois
- Christrosen - The Legend of the Pomeranian Christmas Rose
- Pommersche Mandelringel - Pomeranian Almond Coffee Ring
- Flight and Expulsion from Eastern Pomeranian (A continuation of the Klein Nossin article in
the Fall 2003 issue)
- Pomeranian Questions and Answers by John Movius
- Searching in the Wollin Records