Featured Article:
Finding Ship Records For Your Pomeranian
I was fortunate when I found the name of this ship on my grandfathers Fred's
naturalization papers.

Featured Article:
Land Ownership In Pommern
"Alan Moll contributes this significant information about
our Pomeranian ancestors whose lives depended on land use and ownership."
Volume 29 Issue 1 Spring 2006
- Finding Ship Records For Your Pomeranian Genealogy
- Revisiting My Pomeranian Roots (Part I)
- Computing Land Measurements In Pomerania
- Pommernkontake By Gunthard Stübs
- Stettin: A Significant History
- Von Hinterpommern Nach Irgendwo (From Pomerania To Anywhere)
Volume 29 Issue 2 Summer 2006
- Land Ownership in Pommern
- Der Greif Publishes a new Book on Kohlberg
- We Remember Pomeranian Researchers
- Who Wrote Those Letters? In Search of Jürnjakob Swehn
- Revisiting My Pomeranian Roots (Part II)
- Stettin - Its History wsa Significant to Pomerania
- Mona Houser Shares Stories About Her Family's Trip to America
- Heino Kebschull Remembers Life in Kreis Stolp
- Pommernkontake (Cont.) By Gunthard Stübs

Featured Article:
Low German - Plattdeutsch / It's A Familiar Sound To Pomeranians!
..."It sounds like bad German - the German of the gutters? Nothing could be
less fitting a characterization for the northern German dialects..."

Featured Article:
Low German - Plattdeutsch
"Its influence is felt in the life and culture of America."
Volume 29 Issue 3 Fall 2006
- Low German - Plattdeutsch / It's A Familiar Sound To Pomeranians!
- Gunthard Stübs and Marha and Les Riggle Share Pomeranian Rural History
from the Writings of Alexander Padberg
- As We Look Toward Christmas, Myron Gruenwald Told This Story of the
Christ Rose in Pomerania
- Early Times in Kreis Stolp - As Remembered by Heino Kebschull
- Land Ownership in Pommern - The Relationship Between Nobility and
- A Note From One Of Our Readers - On The Word schwarzwurzeln
Volume 29 Issue 4 Winter 2006
- Low German - Plattdeutsch / Its Influence is Felt in the Life and Culture
of America
- Neue Ballinstadt soll Amerikanner locken - New Ballin City opeining in 2007
is designed to attract American visitors
- Stettin - A City with Historical Importance in Pomerania
- Erie Canal Boats Transport Pomeranians To The Midwest
- Potatoes - Pomeranian Style
- From Kreis Regenwalde to Wisconsin USA - Emilie's Travels in 1866 by Wagon,
Ship, Train and Oxen
- New Research Clarifies the Church Book of Darsin, Kreis Stolp