"The Pomeranian People"


How To Obtain Information About
Pomeranian Families Published
In "Die Pommerschen Leute"

Die Pommerschen Leute (DPL) - translates 'The Pomeranian People' - is a quarterly genealogical newsletter that contains condensed paragraphs (Items) of information about Pomeranian families that have been submitted to DPL as well as articles about available Pomeranian records and articles about Pomeranian history and culture. The current Full Name index, which is online, lists over 140,000 individuals. The Pomeranian Special Interest Group (PSIG) maintains a complete collection of DPL issues and can provide copies of individual family histories that have been published in DPL.

Finding Possible Ancestors -- Choose the surname and given name of one ancestor. Go to the online Full Name Index. Scroll down the list of segments to locate the segment that would contain the selected surname and click on the link. On the segment page, scroll down to locate the selected surname and given name. (Common surname/given name combinations may occur several times). After each occurrence of a surname/given name you will find two numbers. The surname/given name and the two numbers allow you to request from PSIG a reprint of the Items the surname/given name appeared in, any additional Items that mention close relatives, and the last known address of the submitter who provided the information. Print and fill out an Item Request Form. Mail the form along with a donation of US$5.00 to:

Pomeranian Special Interest Group
2117 Oakmount Drive
Riviera Beach, Florida 33404, U.S.A.

Many Pomeranian families came from villages with less than a few hundred inhabitants. If this is the case for the village of one of your ancestors, you may be interested in contacting others interested in the same village, even if they are researching other surnames. This website also maintains an index of all Pomeranian villages that have appeared in DPL ancestor items.

Finding Other Researchers -- Chose a village name associated with one of your ancestors. Go to the online Village Index. Scroll down the list of segments to locate the segment that would contain the selected village name and click on the link. On the segment page, scroll down to locate the village name. After each village name is a county name and a number. The village, county and number allow you to request the last known address of a submitter who is interested in that village. Print and fill out a Submitter Request Form for up to five submitters by including the village, county and number for each submitter. Mail the form along with a donation of US$5.00 to the address above.