Inheritors: The essays The Importance Of
Myths To Our Pomeranian Ancestors A series of essays on
what the Northern European myths meant to Pomeranians as
Germans, Lutherans and, later, as Americans. Cost is US$6.00
(postage paid) for this 87 page book.

Teutons: Pioneers Of America's Frontier Continues
The Story of "Pomeranians, The Persistent
Pioneers" Provides a detailed look at the life
of our Pomeranian ancestors as they migrated to American and
merged into American Society. Cost is US$7.00 (postage paid)
for this 97 page book.

Get Me Confused With That Other Person Essays
On Pomeranians In American Society A series of essays
and quotations that explore how Pomeranians sought to fit into
American society, testing whether multiculturalism is good or
bad for America. Cost is US$7.00 (postage paid) for this 96
page book.